Download Kodak Easyshare Software Free
The software is free and works seamlessly with Kodak cameras, printers, digital frames, and Kodak Gallery and most leading brands. KODAK EASYSHARE Software version 8.0 is available via download for free at * Source: InfoTrends 2008 Digital Camera End User Study,.
Generic Company Place Holder Kodak EasyShare Software
Almost as easy to use as its name implies, Kodak EasySharesoftware provides consumer-level tools for organizing, sorting,editing, and using your photos in a variety of ways. Though it isdesigned specifically to work with Kodak cameras and printers (andis supplied with most Kodak hardware), anyone can download it at nocost and use it with any camera or printer.
Bringing your pictures into EasyShare isn't as automatic as itis with similar programs, such as fellow freebie Windows Live PhotoGallery--unless you keep all your photos in a single folder.The problem is that EasyShare reorganizes your photos into albums,rather than simply using whatever folder organization you'vealready created. Rating and tagging photos is very simple, and thetags and star ratings you've created for your photos in otherprograms are automatically imported; however, unlike Windows LivePhoto Gallery, it doesn't have face recognition tagging.
Kodak EasyShare's photo editing is streamlined, covering themost common commands wanted by consumers, such as Red Eye, auto andmanual exposure correction, Facial Retouch, Fun Effects (such ascartoon and fisheye), Add Text, and so forth. These tools aren'tvery deep, but they make quick work of basic editing.
Output options are divided into five self-explanatory tabs:Print at Home, Email, Order Prints Online (from Kodak Gallery),Creative Projects, and EasyShare center. However, most of theCreative Projects templates are either 15-day trials of ArcSoft programs or anopportunity to purchase photo novelties (such as coffee mugs) fromKodak Gallery. The EasyShare Center is a portal for getting help,finding tips and project how-tos, learning more about photoediting, and so forth. Buttons at the top of Home screen offerupload to YouTube, Facebook, and flickr, as well as KodakGallery.
Kodak EasyShare is one of the better free photo editors and asgood as some paid editors. It is a solid choice for consumers wholove to take, use, and share their photographs...but would rathernot spend any more time on their computers than absolutelynecessary for organizing, editing, uploading, or printing.
Kodak Easyshare Software
--Sally Wiener Grotta & Daniel Grotta

Generic Company Place Holder Kodak EasyShare Software

Kodak EasyShare is a showy program you can use to smoothly organize, manage, edit and even share all your photos. It is an excellent suite thanks to its variety of effective tools and useful features.
This program has everything people would expect in a great photo manager. It is possible to organize photos in many albums, add tags and even give some retouch to photos that need a bit of enhancement: red eye effect correction, levels balance, brightness, colour, contrast, cropping, rotation, between others. Once you are done, the possibilities for sharing are magnificent. You can burn them to a DVD or CD, upload them to the Kodak gallery or publish them on famous web sites such as Facebook or YouTube.
Kodak EasyShare doesn´t even ask you for a Kodak account, you can access everything with no problems at all.