Html Table Serial Number
Aug 19, 2007. Hi all, I just stuck in the code. Please help me. Following Java Script code is for adding and deleting row from a Table. While deleting row from the table, I am not able to manage serial no column of the Table. Thanks in advance. ====================================================== html. Disclaimer: This chart is in no way a substitute for contacting Omega Vintage. SBL Serial Number File. E-mail your information to: Here is a page from South Bend that estimates the starting serial numbers by year. Omega Serial Numbers By Year. Serial Numbers by Year. 4 February 2. Hi, I hand code HTML / XHTML static documents. My problem is that when I have a a sorted list, every time I add a row I have to retype all the sequence number again on subsequent rows. Is there any way to automate the serial number column? Please note that I don't need any server side scripting and.
I know how to create pagination and generate a table containing information from database in codeigniter, but I don't how to display the serial numbers for each row in the table. Example:
Would you please kindly show me how to do that? Thanks in advance
Here is the controller for how I create pagination and generate table (without serial numbers)
Here's my model
Here's my view file
Serial Number Idm Terbaru
3 Answers
You should create a variable inside your model function:
Download 2go star booster application. and modify your controller:
Codeigniter has a great Table library to display data in html table format. Adding a Serial No is sometime required to a table, but Row num is not easily provided by MySQL hence while using Table library this function is added to do the job.
Here goes the code:
Just add these lines to table.php in library.Usage:
Don't forget to add first column 'Sr No' in set_heading.Read the post here.Hope this helps.
Have you thought about doing this on the client? the javascript library datatables is brilliant. it can handle the sorting for you at the user side, and can be made to dynamically retrieve information using ajax, so load times are fast on large tables. for under < 100 rows or so there probably isn't a need though. i have it sorting/filtering tables with >100 000 rows with no problems at all (using ajax)
unless the serial numbers have semantic meaning don't show them to the client. it just more stuff for them to filter. if they are required for your code, but not for the user to see, just hide them away in a data attribute or something.