Astrology For Gann Traders Pdf Editor
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Astro-Stock Analysis
The Educated Analyst 23rd Sept, 2010
The Jehovah Cycle in W.D. Gann's 'The Tunnel Thru the Air.'

Traders World Magazine Issue 47 July/August 2010
Looking Back with W.D.Gann
The Educated Analyst May/June 2010
How do I forecast future cycles?
The Educated Analyst Jan/Feb 2010
Astrology For Gann Traders
W.D. Gann was an Astrologer.
Ezine Magazine
F.A.A. Journal Dec 2006
Astrology Articles
Eclipse Gate 2012
Karmic Destiny- Uncovering the true Purpose of our Lives.
Astrological Monthly Review, Vol 61 Issue 1, January 1999, Australia.
Today’s Astrologer, American Federation of Astrologer’s Journal, April 16, 1999, Vol 61, No 4. USA.
The Cycle of Destiny- Timing Important Events using the Lunar Nodes,
The Southern Astrologer, Issue 6, January- March 1999, Australia.
Today’s Astrologer, AFA Journal, Feb 16, 1999, Vol 62, No2 USA
Karmic Journeys- An exploration of past lives and cosmic pattern.
Astrological Monthly Review, Vol 61, Issue 8, August 1999, Australia.
Astrology For Gann Traders Torrent
N.D.E-A Near Death Experience,
F.A.A. (Federation of Australian Astrologers) Journal June 2001, Vol 31 No.2. Australia.
F.A.A. Journal September 2001 Vol 31 No.3. Australia.
Delta Goodrem- Success on Hold
F.A.A. Journal September 2003 Vol 33 No.3. Australia.
David Hookes- Death of a Champion
F.A.A. Journal March 2004 Vol 34 No.1. Australia.
Background and Qualifications.
B.A. Psychology and Post-Graduate in Child and Adolescent Psychology from
Melbourne University. 1984 – 1989
Professional Certificate in Astrology with Pamela Rowe at the Academy of Astrology and Cosmobiology.
Credit 1991-1993
Advanced Certificate in Cosmobiology at Doris Greaves’ Regulus Ebertin School of Astrology.
High Distinction, 2002-2003.