Tales Of Symphonia Ps2 Iso English Torrent
Tales of Destiny: Director's Cut (PS2). Oh i play this AWSOME game with translation but in the game it self!! But with your awsome work i will play this game moooooooooore and more. I will understand everthing and enjoy japanese spuer. Cant you make a patch of the ps2 version of tales of symphonia?
Tales of Symphonia is a RPG game.
Release date: 2016
Developer: BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.
Platform: PC
Genre: RPG
Language: English
If you have reached this page, you probably want to download Tales of Symphonia torrent for PC. We have good news for you — you can do it! This game is created in the RPG genre, so if you like this genre, we recommend you to try it. In order to upload it to your computer, click «download torrent» at the bottom of the page, after the description of the game. Downloading occurs without registration and at maximum speed!
Download page for Tales Of Symphonia (Disc 1). Tales of Symphonia is a cel-shaded action RPG and is another game in Namco's Tales series. It expands upon the series' battle system and emphasizes on relationships with other characters by the decisions you make throughout the game. However, the PS3 version has the added content from the PS2 (Japan exclusive) release of the game, which will also be in the Steam version. Tl;dr - Steam version = PS3 version. Also, the Tales of Zestiria release will be a sign of what to expect with the Symphonia PC port. If it's a good PC port then the.
Detailed description:
In a dying village on Sylvarant, legend has it that a Chosen One will one day appear from among the people, and the land will be reborn. Now, you must enter a cel-shaded world in which you command real-time battles. Execute and combine hundreds of special attacks, magic spells, and combos. Each character grows to suit your fighting style, and the storyline changes based on the characters’ relationships.
The game begins in the world of Sylvarant, a land that is dying due to a steady loss of mana, the energy source that is needed both for magic and to support life itself. As crops begin to wither and hardship sets in, the people turn their hopes to the Chosen, a servant and messiah of the Goddess Martel, who can reverse the ills of the world by completing the Journey of World Regeneration. »
Tales_of_Symphonia.torrent (26.5 KiB)
Tales of Symphonia |
Developer: Namco This game has unused abilities. |
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion. Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article? |
While successful internationally, the GameCube version's Japanese sales were not satisfying to Namco, and as such they ported it to the PlayStation 2 with various additions, like
new animated Gainax clips, various new minigames, costumes, expansions to the bonus dungeons, and additional Artes and Mystic Artes (better known as Hi-Ougi) for everyone and their mothers.
It was originally a Japanese exclusive, much like the PSP port of Phantasia and the PS3 Vesperia, but eventually saw life outside of Japan in Tales of Symphonia Chronicles on the PlayStation 3.
Unused Artes
Voice Clips
To do: I have to transcribe what's in the video. The article is very incomplete |
Many, many unused battle cries for unused Artes can be found in the PS2 remake: Was Namco planning to add content to the extent of PS3 Vesperia? Notably most of Lloyd's unused move callouts reference the same space-time moves as Cless Alvein from Tales of Phantasia and other crossover titles, hinting that Lloyd was going to have a second Mystic Arte and a load of Cless references as well. 'Maou Engekiha' AKA 'Infernal Torrent' is a move used by Stahn Aileron from Tales of Destiny, though whether Lloyd's was a different take or not is unknown.
Transcription | Translate | Notes |
ダンシングシックル | Dancing Sickle | |
グランドフォール | Grand Fall | |
紅蓮 (Guren) | Hell Pyre | |
雹 (Hyou) | Hail | In Tales of Symphonia Chronicles, all voices for unused techs were dubbed in English. In this instance, Colette shouts 'Hail' as the name. |
迅雷 (Jinrai) | Shock Arrow (Thunder Clap) | In Tales of Symphonia Chronicles, all voices for unused techs were dubbed in English. In this instance, Colette shouts 'Thunder Clap' as the name. |
ミラージュセイバー | Mirage Saber | |
殺劇舞荒剣 | Satsugeki Bukouken | rendered as Final Fury in English games, very odd choice to say the least. |
神の栄名において、その御使いをここに賜わらんことを欲す。 我、御身の代行者たらんことを願う者なり。開け、聖界の門、セフィロト! | In the audience of God, I desire that this service be honoured. I wish to become the successor of my Lord. Open, gate to the Holy World. Sephiroth!! | Tales of Symphonia Chronicles: Let my prayers resound across the heavens. Open your gates and shine light upon the wicked. Sephiroth! |
疾風 (Shippuu) | Gale Shot | |
死天滅殺輪(Shiten Messatsurin) | Annihilation Arc | In Tales of Symphonia Chronicles, all voices for unused techs were dubbed in English. In this instance, Colette shouts 'Annihilation Arc' as the name. |
衝破 (Shouha) | Sonic Bash | |
屠龍 (Toryuu) | Dragon Slayer | |
凍牙 (Touga) | Ice Fang | |
鷲羽 (Washuu) | Eagle Shot |
Transcription | Translate | Notes |
玄光破 (Genkouha) | Radiant Field | |
白虎双破 (Byakko Souha) | White Tiger Blade | |
氷牙陣 (Hyougajin) | Glacial Blade | |
次元斬 (Jigenzan) | Distortion Blade | |
虚空蒼破斬 (Kokuu Souhazan) | Chaos Blade | |
蒼破刃 (Kouhajin) | ||
空破絶影撃 (Kuuha Zetsueigeki) | Severed Darkness | |
空間翔転移 (Kuukan Shouten'i) | Lunge | In Tales of Symphonia Chronicles, all voices for unused techs were dubbed in English. In this instance,Lloyd shouts 'Eternal Slasher' as the name. |
極光剣 (Kyokkoken) | Aurora Slasher | In Tales of Symphonia Chronicles, all voices for unused techs were dubbed in English. In this instance, Lloyd shouts 'Aurora Slash' as the name. |
魔王炎撃波 (Maou Engekiha) | Infernal Torrent | In Tales of Symphonia Chronicles, all voices for unused techs were dubbed in English. In this instance, Lloyd shouts 'Infernal Torment' as the name. |
冥空斬翔剣 (Meikuu Zanshouken) | Dark Blade | |
雷閃剣 (Raisenken) | Lightning Slash | |
星皇蒼輝斬 (Seiyou Soukizan) | Imperial Destruction | |
粋牙陣 (Suigajin) | Hydro Blade | |
瞬雷剣 (Shunraiken) | Lightning Thrust |

Transcription | Translate | Notes |
ヴァンスイング | Bansaienga | In Tales of Symphonia Chronicles, all voices for unused techs were dubbed in English. In this instance, Genis shouts 'Blazing Swing' as the name. |
天に集いし炎よ、恐怖と共に降り注げ! フィアフルフレア! | Gathering heavenly flames, fall with terror! Fearful Flare! | Tales of Symphonia Chronicles: Fires of heaven, rain down! Fearful Flare! |
大いなるマナよ、ここに集いて敵を滅ぼせ! テトラスペル! | Grand Mana, gather here and destroy the foe! Tetra Spell! | Tales of Symphonia Chronicles: Mana.. Gather forth to smite my enemy! |
力の違いを見せてやる! インディグネイト ジャッジメント! | Comes with chant. Indignate Judgment |
Transcription | Translate | Notes |
断空剣 (Dankuuken) | Severing Wind | |
ゲイボルグ | Gáe Bolga | |
氷牙陣 (Hyougajin) | Glacial Blade | |
恐れなき地霊 (Osorenaki Chirei) | Intrepid Earth | |
雷閃剣 (Raisenken) | Lightning Slash | |
蒼炎翔牙斬 (Shouen Shougazan) | Flare Fang | |
粋牙陣 (Suigajin) | Hydro blade |
Transcription | Translate | Notes |
ゲイボルグ | Gáe Bolga | |
氷牙陣 (Hyougajin) | Glacial Blade | |
恐れなき地霊 (Osorenaki Chirei) | Intrepid Earth | |
雷閃剣 (Raisenken) | Lightning Slash | |
蒼炎翔牙斬 (Shouen Shougazan) | Flare Fang | |
粋牙陣 (Suigajin) | Hydro blade | |
閃光衝 / 閃光翔 (Senkoushou) | Force Spear | |
... (Zelos Flash) | Zelos Flash |
Transcription | Translate | Notes |
フェアリーサークル (Fairy Circle) | PS2 Unused: Banbutsu ni yadorishi, seimei no ibuki o koko ni. Sohite, warera ni kago o. Fairy Circle! (Offer us life essence nurturing all creatures, then bestow us your protection: Fairy Circle!) | Tales of Symphonia Chronicles: Root of all creation, grant us the breath of life... Grant us protection! Fairy Circle! |
... (Magic Shell) | Magic Shell | In Tales of Symphonia Chronicles, all voices for unused techs were dubbed in English. In this instance, Raine shouts 'Magic Barrier' as the name. |
セイクリッドシャイン (Sacred Shine) | Sacred Shine | No reverb: Comes with chant. |
... (Shine) | ||
シャイニングフレア (Shining Flare) | Shining Flare | |
... (Valkyrie's Javelin) | Valkyrie's Javelin | In Tales of Symphonia Chronicles, all voices for unused techs were dubbed in English. In this instance, Raine shouts 'Valkyrie Javelin' as the name. |
- Aska: 'Keiyakusha no na ni oite meizu! Ideyo, Aska!' (As the Pact Master I order thee: Come! Aska!')
- Corrine
- Kamaitachi (Blade Wind)
- Majou Kousou (Purging Essence?)
- Manjushage (Flare Blitz)
- Raiden

Tales Of Symphonia Ps2
Presea:'Eternal Wind'
Tales Of Symphonia Ps2 Buy
Transcription | Translate | Notes |
爆焔破吼撃(Bakuen Hakougeki) | ||
地龍の咆哮(Chiryuu no Houkou) | Roar of the earth dragon | |
焔師の小躯(Enshi no Shouku) | Blaze of the fire master | Tales of Symphonia Chronicles: Blazing flight! |
月閃衝吼破(Gessen Shoukouha) | ||
氷気の抱擁(Hyouki no Houyou) | Embrace of the ice spirit | Tales of Symphonia Chronicles: Glacial embrace! |
大いなる士魂の意思よ、集え!(Ooinaru Shikon No Ishi yo, Tsudoe) | Gather, o will of the great warrior | Tales of Symphonia Chronicles: The great elements.. gather forth! |
雷神の断罪!(Raijin no Danzai) | Conviction of the thunder god | Tales of Symphonia Chronicles: Lightning edict! |
雷襲砲撃(Raishuu Hougeki) | ||
疾風(?) (Shippu Retsusen) | ||
絶空天牙旋(Zekku Tengaten) |
- Hyouryuukou
- Hyuugasen (SP?)
- Indignation
- Judgment Gate (Tales of Symphonia Chronicles: Mass Barrier)
- Enshouken
- Stigmata
- Abyss Detonator (Tales of Symphonia Chronicles: Abyss Detonation)
- Invoke End (Tales of Symphonia Chronicles: Impending Finale)
- Kokuu Souhazan (Tales of Symphonia Chronicles: Chaos Blade)
- Photon
- Tetra Spell
- Lightning
Functional Artes
Artes that can be hacked in the moveset, that are partially functional:
- Colette: Grand Fall still retains its unused state from the GC version. Its description says it drops a giant hammer on enemies, but it just crashes the game.
Tales Of Symphonia Ps2 Torrent
The Tales series | |
SNES | Tales of Phantasia |
PlayStation | Tales of Destiny • Tales of Phantasia • Tales of Destiny II |
Game Boy Color | Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon |
Game Boy Advance | Tales of Phantasia • Tales of the World: Narikiri Dungeon 3 |
GameCube | Tales of Symphonia |
PlayStation 2 | Tales of Symphonia • Tales of Legendia • Tales of the Abyss |
PlayStation 3 | Tales of Xillia |
Nintendo DS | Tales of the Tempest • Tales of Innocence • Tales of Hearts • Keroro RPG |
PlayStation Portable | Tales of Eternia • Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology • Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2 • Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon X |
Xbox 360 | Tales of Vesperia |
Wii | Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World |
iOS | Tales of Phantasia |
Windows | Tales of Berseria |