Star Wars Rpg Saga Edition The Unknown Regions Pdf Creator
Index of /rpg/books/sws. Parent Directory 12 - SAGA EDITION - Rebellion Era Campaign Guide.pdf 13 - SAGA EDITION - Galaxy at War.pdf 14 - SAGA EDITION - Scavenger's Guide to Droids.pdf 15 - SAGA EDITION - Galaxy of Intrigue.pdf 16 - SAGA EDITION - Unknown Regions.pdf SAGA EDITION - Clone Wars. 0 The Big List of Assorted NPCs For The Star Wars Saga Edition RPG By Jonathan “Donovan Morningfire” Stevens Version 1.Version 1.2222 Table of Contents. Players and Gamemasters wanting to create their own Near-Human characters. Star Wars Saga Edition Unknown Regions +4 Int. Star Wars Saga Edition Wikia is a.
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Barbara creed the monstrous feminine pdf editor. The Monstrous-Feminine (1-15) Barbara Creed - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Series editors: Tony Bennett Professor School of Humanities Graham Martin Professor of English Literature Open University. THE MONSTROUS.FEMININE Film, feminism, PsychoanalYsis. Horror and the monstrous-feminine. An imaginary abjection. BARBARA CREED. Mother's not herself today. – Norman Bates, Psycho. All human societies have a conception of the monstrous-feminine, of what it is about woman that is shocking, terrifying, horrific, abject. 'Probably no male human being is spared the. POPULAR FICTION SERIES. Series editors: Tony Bennett. Graham Martin. School of Humanities. Griffith University. Professor of English Literature. Postmodern science fiction by Damien Broderick. Film, feminism, psychoanalysis. Barbara Creed. London and New York.
'The people on the Internet who complain about the show were going to hate it no matter what I did, so I don't really care about their opinions.'Related to Dear Negative Reader and Writer Revolt, this is when someone who is involved in the production of a work and is known for interacting with the fans by, for example, writing a production blog or answering fandom's questions, or regularly appearing at conventions, stops doing so because, at least in their opinion, some fans become so thick and heavy (and ugly) that their previously fun activity has become a burden and is no longer enjoyable.
The fans complain to and about the creator(s), hassle them to an unbearable level, constantly asking questions that the creator(s) has already stated they will not be answering, and constantly doing obnoxious things. Because a small handful are ruining it for everyone else, the creator(s) stop(s) whatever fun interaction with the fans they were having. This may give the rest of the fans, especially those who act respectfully and were unaware of any other fans causing problems, the impression that said creator is a Nice Character, Mean Actor (or just a nice work, mean creator(s) in general), even though it wasn't the fault of the creator(s) at all. In many cases, this may result in a no-win situation where attempting to avoid the bad fans ends up alienating the good ones.
This is especially bad towards things that people actually do as a hobby, or out of personal enjoyment. Many a rant has been made by harassed creators/producers/personalities/celebrities who state that they actually could be off doing better things or that their life is already stressful enough with their other job(s) that they really don't need to come home from a long day's work just to be hassled. And many a rant towards pirates have been made saying that they actually need to make money or else they won't be able to produce further installments.

Complaints often arise from Schedule Slip. For example, it's been pointed out that very few people who do webcomics actually make money off of them, with most of them doing it as a hobby. When things in real life pop up, such as health issues, it's always the webcomic that has to go first. Sometimes nothing was done to the creator; instead, the fans did something for the creator that caused even more headaches. Maybe the creator had a copyright dispute and the fans responded by DDoSing the other party. Maybe the creator got into a feud with the creator of a rival work or a big name critic and the fans responded with harassment towards that party. Maybe the creator actually was screwed by someone else and the fans responded with threats and the posting of the offending party's personal information. It doesn't matter what their intentions were; if the actions of the fans result in the creator deciding to wash their hands of them because their actions caused an even bigger headache, this is in effect.
Related to Why We Can't Have Nice Things. Common scenarios that can lead to this includes Trolling, Flame Wars, Unpleasable Fanbase, Internet Backdraft, Ship-to-Ship Combat, Rule 34 – Creator Reactions, Disproportionate Retribution, Fan Dumb, and Hate Dumb. Be Careful What You Wish For is often invoked. Making matters worse, this can sometimes result in an Internet Counterattack and Complaining about Complaining. In some cases, this tends to induce Artist Disillusionment, ending in a take that from the author to the fanbase within the work, sometimes in the presence of a Straw Fan. If it proceeds beyond that it can ultimately end in the author simply quitting the whole work and in extreme cases retiring from writing altogether.
One of the many results of G.I.F.T.
- Video Games
- Akira Ishida (who voiced Xellos in Slayers Next, Kaworu Nagisa in Neon Genesis Evangelion, and many other roles) stopped recording character image songs, and publicly singing in general, after one too many fan complaints about his singing voice.
- Tite Kubo ran a really funny Twitter account whereupon he confirmed the image the Bleach fandom has of his real life self. Then someone had the bright idea to blithely congratulate him on chapter 400 before it was even released in Japan. Ultimately, in September 2015, Kubo suddenly left Twitter, his final message proclaiming, '[Notice] Tomorrow night, after about 24 hours I will delete my Twitter account. Until that time, please direct message me.' It turns out that someone on Twitter had been passing photos across the Internet proclaiming to be that of Kubo with Weekly Shōnen Jump proclaiming that these were fake and that they would pursue legal actions if this was being done maliciously.
- Takami Akai, one of the founders of Studio Gainax, ended up leaving the company after having addressed so many complaints about the Off-Model animation in episode four of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. In his own words, reading these comments was 'like putting [his] facenext to an anusand breathing deeply.'
- Suehiro Maruo once let slip he avoids unpaid appearances in fear of expecting this result.
- Voice actor Vic Mignogna does his best to be friendly and open with the fans. Despite this, he has stated that he won't be doing Edward Elric 'short rants' or saying 'Colonel Mustang looks dead sexy.. in a miniskirt!' on request any more because it was getting old.
- Manga has a reputation with American bookstores for being frequent targets for theft. Some of the major ones responded by putting sticky metal security bars, the ones usually reserved for electronics, inside the back cover. Anyone who buys these then faces the tough decision of keeping them in with the annoying added thickness, or try and remove them and risk ripping the page. Then you get the loiterers who treat said manga section as a library and throw the books on the floor after they're done damaging the merchandise for actual customers. Fortunately, for a certain large bookstore chain at least, they use a different form of security tag specifically designed to go inside books, which has a minimal risk of damaging the book itself. However, at any given time you can go into that section and find the tags (or, baffling enough, the UPC codes) strewn all over the floor.
- Following the disruption of a Hyperdimension Neptunia the Animation screening by a psycho with a knife attacking Rie Tanaka, Chiyomaru Shikura, the president of 5pb., issued this statement:Regarding the Neptunia incident. My staff and I have been talking, and there seems to be a need to rethink how events will be held. This of course includes having security guards and having more of a feeling of distance between the talent and their fans. It's really a shame.
- Hikaru Midorikawa put his blog on indefinite hiatus after people spotted a female fan with an accessory that Midorikawa himself had, making them think that he was cheating on his wife and attacked her. Turns out the accessory was something he introduced on his blog.
- Mika Yamamori, the creator of Daytime Shooting Star, used to respond to fans on Twitter but has since then been reluctant to reply to any comments unless she feels they are important to her readers. The problem mainly came from two incidents: she first discovered that the reason why she had so many international fans respond to her was because of scanlations when a fan commented on Chapter 69 before Margaret, the magazine that published Daytime Shooting Star, went on sale in Japan. The second problem was the massive Ship-to-Ship Combat as the series was concluding, where international fans kept leaving very heated comments on her Twitter account. The pressure got to the point where she had to put it on private until the final chapter was published. Today, she rarely responds to her fans, especially if the comments are not in Japanese.
- Shaman King is actually considered to be one of the better dubs 4Kids Entertainment produced, since the series wasn't as Bowdlerised as much. However, since Shaman King revolved around death and feature pretty heavy amounts of violence, it also attracted ire from Moral Guardians at the time. Coupled with having a bad timeslot and the company's not-so-positive reputation, this is what caused Shaman King to flop in the United States, and is ultimately what led 4Kids to continue their usual censorship and localization practices for future dubs.note
- Many doujinshi and fan artists in Japan have stopped producing art of a specific series or banned IP addresses outside of Japan because people repost their work without permission. Posting and discussing doujinshi online is a big deal for them, and it can have even worse repercussions if the doujinshi was fan work. Not only can get them in trouble with the law, but it also violates their privacy. Many Japanese artists are critical of the Western and overseas fandom and claim they do not respect their rules and boundaries. This also ties into Values Dissonance since the Western fanbases interact differently than Japanese fanbases, and they thus have different views on what is considered acceptable behavior.
- Shotaro Tokunou, the creator of New Game!, has stated that he will no longer respond to fan letters because some fans have resold fancy paper boards that he had specially drawn and sent after receiving letters. Those paper boards were being raffled around at online auctions.
- This story from Mark Waid (it begins about halfway down the page). He did a phone interview with a Vermont radio station and, after the interview was done, was invited by one of the interviewers to visit their comic shop in Vermont for a signing and meet-and-greet with the fans. Waid agreed, only to discover they did not actually have a comic shop and just wanted him to visit them. He likens it to the movie Misery and explains that he has warned all his fellow authors to be wary and make sure they are not deceived by the same fans. He does not say anything about never meeting fans again, but you can bet he is a lot more reticent about it.
- Alan Moore is said to have stopped attending comic conventions because some fans at a United Kingdom Comic Art Convention followed him into the washroom to seek his autograph.
- The early 2011 comments shutdown at the blog The Source at DCUniverse was the direct result of a flame war about who was faster: Superman or The Flash.
- Fred Perry went on a short hiatus after a rabid fan pushed an old lady and her grandson out of the way and threw down some cheesecake when he tried to deny he 'took commissions for that sort of thing'.
- Transmetropolitan has a rare in-universe example. Spider Jerusalem, famous gonzo journalist, states that his nutty fans (one of whom attempted to steal his gizzard) were a major part of the reason he went into hermitage in a mountain cabin for five years:'Five years of taking pot shots at fans and paparazzi, eating what I kill and bombing the unwary.'
- Grant Morrison mentions in his memoir/history of superheroes Supergods that he had to give up trying to interact with fans online due to various death threats made against him, his collaborators and their respective families by people who didn't like Batman RIP.
- Ship-to-Ship Combat, along with Executive Meddling in several areas, is what convinced Archie Comics' Sonic the Hedgehog comic writer Ian Flynn to completely and permanently end any ideas of Sonic and Sally being a couple when the comic was rebooted following Ken Penders' court case with Archie Comics. Flynn just couldn't take the shipper comments anymore. Penders becoming the anti-Christ in the fandom's eyes, which led to them throwing multiple insults his way, also didn't go over well with Flynn since he felt it made everyone look bad, especially himself and Archie; Flynn banned any mention of Penders on threats of being kicked off his forum if fans abuse it. This also killed a thread on his board talking about the Lara-Su Chronicles after fans went into a panic over a number of tweets over the man leading them to think he was trying to outright kill the Sonic comic. Penders' page on TV Tropes is locked because of this.
- The creator (Haley) of The Reid Oliver Cartoon Saga, based on the popularAs the World Turns character Reid Oliver, stopped making the cartoons shortly after the show ended because she found out someone else was profiting from her work and claiming it as their own. Pretty sad considering the actor playing Reid admitted that he had liked the cartoons he had seen.
- Be The Seadweller Lowblood: ckret2 posted a poll to determine which character would be shown next. Options were tied for quite a while, then one choice suddenly took over. ckret2 decided foul play was involved, took neither popular option, and stopped with the polls:'There is no way that many people have voted, MUCH LESS that it stayed that perfectly tied for so long, MUCH LESS that the votes suddenly jumped up for one side that much. I KNOW there were some people who voted specifically to make it balance out, rather than vote for what they actually WANTED. Some of y'all in here admitted that. Clearly, someone else is spamming Vriska now. Fuck this shit. You're not getting Vriska or Kanaya. You're especially not getting Vriska, since it's at least confirmable that there is somebody cheating in her favor, if not that there are folks cheating in both's favor..Way to go! We're never having a vote again.'
- Durandall once deleted Kyon: Big Damn Hero from Fan Fiction Dot Net, and even left that site altogether, because of criticism (not of his work, but of himself) that he received from some users of the site. He later realized that this was excessive, apologized, and reuploaded the fic.
- A variant of this happened with the hugely popular Kraith stories based on Star Trek: The Original Series. Jacqueline Lichtenberg intended for readers to join in and contribute, and provided guidelines for it. Things stayed on track until Lichtenberg brought in Sondra Marshak as a Kraith Creator. Marshak's kinks soon came to dominate the project, and Lichtenberg, in awe of Marshak's 'incredible mind', abandoned most of the plot plans for the second half of Kraith. It was never completed. Fan writers who wanted to add their own work to Kraith had to not just follow the Kraith Creators Manual but have their work vetted by an increasing number of Kraith Creators (including Marshak) through the Kraith Round Robin in which all the Creators would have a chance to read and comment (repeatedly) on your story.note In those days when you couldn't just email and cc:, the bureaucracy involved was unbelievable.'..sometimes a story would go through a cycle of fourteen people, a process that could take many, many months.. Many stories were never finished due to the amount of time it took for approval. Sometimes the author was asked to make so many changes that she or he simply gave up on the story.'
- In 2015, CBS and Paramount gave a lawsuit towards the creators of Prelude to Axanar when it was revealed that the creators were actually profiting from the Star Trek name in the process of making the follow-up movie Star Trek: Axanar. The shoddy defense at first was 'they didn't know what they were doing was wrong..because we had no Guidelines' So CBS and Paramount set up specific guidelines for making fan movies, effectively and permanently killing fan continuations and feature-length movies, and ending a decades long silent Gentleman's Agreement between CBS and Fanfilms. The guidelines state that all creators, actors and all other participants must genuinely and deliberately consist only of amateurs, and can neither be compensated for their services, nor be currently nor previously employed on any Star Trek series, films, production of DVD(s) nor with any of CBS nor Paramount Pictures’ licensees. Crowdfunding is allowed..but with a hard cap of $50000.00. They must also be intentionally 15 minutes long or in two parts that combined, cannot go beyond half an hour, with no follow-ups whatsoever, not even remakes, even ifStar Trekis removed in the follow up or remaketo try and cheat that rule. One known casualty is Star Trek: Renegades, which ended up stripping itself of all of its Star Trek connections and going fully original.
- A controversy surrounding the fan artist Zamii070 occurred when members of the Steven Universe fanbase harassed the artist for drawing the character Rose Quartz 'too skinny'. The harassment got so bad that Zamii070 even attempted suicide. Needless to say, the show staff were less than pleased with their fans when they found this out.
- The reason for development of reliable modding tools for Mario Kart 8 (and Deluxe) being stalled is due to streams of low-effort mods or the many unreasonable requests that modders tend to not bother because they do not contribute anything to that game's modding community except for some cheap YouTube montages. These are dubbed 'meme mods'note and are generally loathed by the community, though the few who are fine with it can only accept such mod if a lot of work was put into it.
Star Wars The Unknown Regions Pdf
- Brian Lee O'Malley, creator of Scott Pilgrim, was constantly harassed on DeviantArt by people who criticized his art style and movie deal causing him to close his account after only a few months.
- Star Wars:
- George Lucas supposedly said that the end of the Star Wars franchise was due to his highly vitriolic fanbase. He later sold bothStar Wars and Indiana Jones to Disney, an easy way to keep both of them going on without anyone blaming him for whatever problems they might have. Ironically, Lucas criticized Disney's handling of Star Wars before he quickly apologized.
- Jake Lloyd was bullied throughout middle school and high school for his portrayal of Anakin Skywalker in The Phantom Menace, which, at least according to an apocryphal account, drove him to burn all of his Star Wars memorabilia and vow to never watch a single Star Wars film again. Most versions of the story even single it out as the reason why he hasn't appeared on the big screen (except for a 3D re-release of the same film) for a very long time since.
- Ahmed Best received harassment for his role as Jar Jar Binks in the prequels to the point that he considered suicide.
- Both Daisy Ridley and Kelly Marie Tran deleted their Instagram accounts after receiving harassment from fans. Ridley received harassment after posting about gun control while Tran received racist and sexist harassment from some fans. Most of the harassment was, like with Jake Lloyd and Ahmad Best above, also due to their portrayals of Rey and Rose Tico.
- Rotten Tomatoes:
- The site shut down user comments for The Dark Knight Rises after people posted death threats to critics who gave the movie a negative review. Rotten Tomatoes would later completely remove the option to comment on reviews altogether.
- Rotten Tomatoes shut down the 'want to see' audience ratings for pre-release films altogether after a review-bombing campaign against Captain Marvel and the ninth Star Wars movie occurred prior to their releases. They also announced plans to develop a ticket authentication system to ensure that all reviews were genuine, to prevent spam and organized hate campaigns.
- Due to a violation of an embargo on reviews of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo being published that was in effect before an established date, David Fincher has stated that none of his future films will be screened for critics.
- The third movie in The Gamers series, which focuses on geek culture, has a group trying to do this on purpose. The plot focuses on a CCG where each faction has varying mechanics and win conditions and the tournament champions get to decide the outcomes of each season's story events. The villains are a group of 'Stop Having Fun' Guys exploiting an overpowered and story-breaking deck build to dominate the competitive game and drive out everybody who enjoys it for more than pure mechanics. They also deliberately play up every 'toxic gamer' stereotype, with an emphasis on blatant misogyny, for the sole purpose of making the community around the game an unpleasant experience.
- For a very long time, Tim Curry was uncomfortable talking about The Rocky Horror Picture Show due to some fans creeping him out, even claiming he intentionally gained weight as a way of distancing himself from the film. In later years, however, he became more open about talking about being in Rocky Horror and somewhat embraces the impact it has on teenagers, calling it a 'rite of passage'.
- While less serious, despite being a common tradition throwing things at screenings is no longer allowed in some theaters due to how it's actually quite a safety hazard that could easily hurt somebody even if it's just a grain of rice.
- Zelda Williams, daughter of the late Robin Williams, was driven off social media after trolls descended onto her Facebook page and Twitter account and attacked her over her father's death. Specifically, they posted a picture originating from Liveleak of a suicide-by-hanging victim that resembled Robin.
- After the success of Thor, and even more so with The Avengers, Tom Hiddleston used to have a very good relationship with his fans. He would personally update his Twitter multiple times daily with songs that he liked, poetry, interesting/funny things from fans, and so on; and he had spend quite a bit of time with them when in person, taking time out to sign every autograph and take every picture requested of him. However, one too many transgressions from 'fans' such as: Camping en masse outside his hotel when shooting on location, constantly linking him to Rule 34 fanart of himself, tricking him into meeting with them by posing as someone he worked with (similar to the Mark Waid example above), posting his home address online, and immediately flooding any woman that hasthe audacityto simply be photographed with him (whether in a romantic context or not) with death threats caused Hiddleston to suddenly become notably distant. His Twitter is now updated perhaps once every other month (if that) with very generic things, and it's been a while since anybody's managed to get a picture with him.
- As revealed here, the house used to represent Mike and Bran Walsh's house in The Goonies is off-limits due to the fact that the owners just can't get privacy anymore. The owners note that things were fine until the 30th anniversary celebration of the movie when things just collapsed. No one would leave, trash would litter their yard and having thousands of fans hike up to the house just for photos and the like was all too much.
- Del Rey had to shut down their Facebook page because of an Internet Counterattack by angry fans of Star Wars Legends wanting the old Expanded Universe reinstalled as canon by spoiling The Force Awakens.
- Ghostbusters:
- Following the racist and sexist remarks included among a torrent of hate against the film before it was even released, director Paul Feig and a number of others in charge of the film responded by impartially censoring any criticism of the film, even legitimate critiques, as bigoted.
- Leslie Jones, who portrayed Patti, was driven off Twitter when trolls intentionally bombarded her with terribly racist tweets for just appearing in the movie, then later hacking her website and leaking nude photos of herself.
- Emma Watson was apparently conscious of this phenomenon during her school days, having practiced for such a scenario by threatening to report her schoolmates to the principal if they asked for her autograph.
- Harlan Ellison's essay 'Xenogenesis' is a catalog of harassment, mistreatment, larcenous behavior, and in some cases downright assault inflicted upon science fiction writers by their fans. It is a bit of a horror story that culminates in writer Alan Dean Foster's story about how, at one convention, a disgruntled 'fan' threw a cup of warm vomit in Foster's face.'And you wonder why Stephen King never shows up at science fiction conventions anymore..'
- J. D. Salinger supposedly went Reclusive Artist, and supposedly kept writing but refused to let anyone see his work, partially because he was so peeved over the way popular culture took to a 'misreading' of The Catcher in the Rye.note
- Spider Robinson pre-empted this in the case of the alt.callahans Usenet group, an early virtual community based on his Callahan’s Crosstime Saloon series. While he gave it his full blessing early on, mentioned (and hence promoted) it in a Callahan’s story, and made the odd official contribution from time to time, this was always done offline and/or through third parties — if he has ever posted to the group, it was never under any alias that could have been penetrated. This careful policy probably owes something to the aftermath of Pyotr’s Story (published 1981), which was set on Callahan’s weekly riddle night, and ended with an invitation for readers to write in with answers to the unsolved riddles. Result: sackloads of mail, and while the flow did tail off, it never ceased entirely. He's also publicly said that he's seriously worried that if he got involved with the alt.callahans, he'd spend too much time there when he should be writing more stories.
- Stephenie Meyer had been planning a book called Midnight Sun, which was a re-telling of Twilight from Edward's perspective. She even posted the first chapter on her website, to whet fans' appetites. Then a half-finished manuscript appeared on the Internet, posted by someone she'd trusted enough to give a copy to. Meyer was so upset that the book is now 'on hold indefinitely,' because if she wrote it in her (then-)current state of mind, she has said, the evil vampirewould succeed.note
- Marion Zimmer Bradley was one of the first writers to run into this in regards to fanfiction. She used to edit occasional anthologies of what she thought were the best fanfics for her Darkover setting. There's a bit of confusion over what precisely happened, but at some point her reading those fanfics resulted in the cancellation of a novel set at the same time as one such fanfic. This has become a precedent for many authors to not even read fanfic.
- Mercedes Lackey's Diana Tregarde books weren't selling, plus she was getting a lot of flak from certain pagan/Wiccan groups, so she stopped writing them. Cue the Conspiracy Theory people with bizarre speculations, including that the Guardians were real. It gets worse.
- Karen Traviss of Star Wars Expanded Universe fame/infamy had been involved with the fandom, but contention arose over her supposed establishment of the Grand Army of the Republic consisting at a mere three million clones for a galactic scale conflict. Some people took issue with it, which is reasonable, but they almost exclusively blamed her, whichisn't. The result was a massive multi-board Flame War that included both sides insulting each other, hate sites, Dear Negative Reader posts, coining of derogatory nicknames for their detractors, accusations of favoritism/nepotism/sexual bribery, and ultimately culminated when one nutjob made a machinima video of himself brutally murdering a mock Traviss and her fans over his concern for the numbers (and disingenuously called it 'satire', which made the board moderators nuke everything associated with the.. discussion, but it didn't completely end, as some people tried to collect all of her posts in an archive in an attempt to showcase her 'irrationality' over this). What's most sad about this is that if either side bothered reading the Attack of the Clones movie novelization, at least some of this could have been avoided since at least her detractors wouldn't have put so much time and energy going after someone who by their own inadvertent admission, isn't supposed to have the authority to make the changes they wanted.
- Trent Reznor declared he would stop most of his Twitter usage due to various unpleasant posted comments regarding his wifeand how their collaborative new project was getting in the way of new Nine Inch Nails' projects. He still posts plenty of updates, but most of them tend to be news-related rather than personal now.
- Yoshiki of X Japan was chased off the Internet for much of 2009 and half of 2010 in a massive flare of G.I.F.T., Internet Counterattack, and Internet Backdraft that originally started when he cancelled a planned concert in Paris. He came back to the Internet in 2010 on Facebook and Twitter, and is currently back but is still occasionally bothered by trolls.
- The Beatles stopped touring in 1966. The complexity of some post-Revolver tracks exceeding what could be performed live and a simultaneous boredom with repeatedly playing their (by that point) years-old set was part of it, but another factor was that their fans went so crazy whenever they showed up that they couldn't hear themselves play over the sound of the hysterical shrieking, were trapped in their hotel rooms by mobbing fans whenever they went anywhere, and had to be ferried around in armored cars to prevent being torn apart in the near-rioting that surrounded them. Another factor was the Christian Fundamentalist-driven anti-Beatles hysteria that emerged after John Lennon's alleged 'we're Bigger Than Jesus' comments (which was a Beam Me Up, Scotty!), complete with record burnings, boycotts and picketing of Beatles concerts; these convinced the band that touring the U.S. wasn't worth it, as they'd just have the Moral Guardians dogging them at nearly every leg of the tour. John at this time confessed that his worst fear was someone shooting him. The last straw was probably an incident at a concert in Memphis where an audience member threw a firecracker on stage. No one was harmed, but for a split second everyone thought the loud noise was a gunshot. The Beatles performed just five more concerts after that.
- Disturbed used to answer fan questions on message boards, spending the most of their time being badgered to prove who they were. The sad thing is, this was started by David Draiman with the other band members saying it wasn't worth trying till they eventually warmed up to the idea at David's urging. With the relationship soured, they'll probably never do this again.
- This is, quite likely, the reason why most music-formatted radio stations no longer freely play song requests. Of course, this doesn't stop the frequent complaints of 'you never play this song' coming from the listeners — but it is now easier for the radio programmers and disc jockeys to ignore them, and just program what they want to play. That is, if there even are announcer-programmers or disc jockeys at the station. Much contemporary radio runs on station branding (e.g., 'Jack FM') — a prepackaged format that is often automated and voice-tracked to sound local, yet another example of this. (This is why you no longer hear news, weather or traffic reports on contemporary music-formatted radio in the US.)
- John Darnielle of The Mountain Goats now destroys all his outtakes, the result of an (especially embarrassing) unreleased album being leaked. He also destroyed an entire planned EP due to repeated requests for illegal mp3s on his own forum.
- Randy Blythe of Lamb of Godexplains why he had to deactivate his Twitter account. It came down heavily in part to this.
- In the late '90s, while Nas was working on his album I Am..The Autobiography, a bunch of the tracks were leaked on the Internet. In response, he rewrote a great deal of the album in just a month. The fanbase generally believes that the finished album suffered because of this.
- In April 2013, a disgruntled Protest the Hero fan posted an angry rant about how he waited in line at their bus after a show for an autograph, only to have his paper returned before being told to go away. It seemed like typical out-of-touch rockstar behavior.. that is, until they posted the part of the story that he neglected to tell. Essentially, the dude was a known autograph hunter whose modus operandi involved going up to bands, acting like he was a fan who just wanted a keepsake, getting autographs, and then turning around and selling them on eBay to reap huge profits. That, and they had been burned by him before and were not about to fall for his bullshit again. They also clarified that they had no problem giving autographs to people who genuinely just wanted keepsakes, but that they were not okay with autograph hunters and that if they got burned enough, they would consider just not giving them altogether.
- Ringo Starr publicly refuses to sign autographs anymore because a lot of people have sold his autographs on eBay for huge prices.note Roger Waters has also publicly lashed out at these 'autograph collectors,' though he still signs from time to time.
- Zayn Malik, member of UK band One Direction, temporarily deactivated his Twitter account due to the hateful comments he received, in extreme cases being called a 'terrorist'.
- In Chile, after an unexpectedly large Los Jaivas concert wrecked the Parque Forestal park it was hosted in, complete with 70 tons of garbage needing to be collected the next day, garbage cans set on fire, and an art theft in a nearby museum, it's safe to say there won't be anything else hosted there in quite a while.
- The Tigers had all videotapes of a 1968 concert for NHK destroyed after fangirls went wild and caused several injuries and damage to the arena.
- Godspeed You! Black Emperor's demo tape All Lights Fucked on the Hairy Amp Drooling is perhaps the holy grail of indie fans. It is an Old Shame, so it will never be reissued, and it was limited to 33 copies, so the chances of a copy surfacing are naturally highly unlikely. And yet, in 2013, one did surface. The person who had it surfaced on Reddit and was ready to rip it and distribute it. Two songs were posted and confirmed to be genuine. And then people drove him off by being assholes, to the point where he deleted his account. The remaining songs have yet to surface.
- Steam Powered Giraffe started reaching this point with their fans, growing more and more detached from them both in person and online. For a charming group of robot mimes who just wanted to entertain, and now get flak over anything from a gender change for a trans woman's comfort to a moustache intended as a joke, it's more than a little sad for longtime fans. Nothing like hearing a once-loving and optimistic band be entirely unsurprised at hearing about their fans sexually abusing each other. To quote Rabbit, 'I lost faith long before you told me that.'
- Mike Portnoy from Dream Theater wrote the song 'Never Enough' from the 2004 album Octavarium in response to the more rabid parts of the fan base who kept criticizing and complaining and asking for more and more without realizing that the band's members are humans with lives. Other than that, even though the albums tend to divide the fan base, this hasn't had any real ill effects on their relationship with the fans, though one could assume the 'demanding and never happy' type of fan isn't liked much by them.
- Trevor Strnad posted a rant on Facebook around the release of Everblack that decried the illegal downloading of their albums, stating that the fans weren't sticking it to the man by downloading their music but were instead hurting them, as they were in that spot where they were big enough to live off of their music without having to consider day jobs but were nowhere near big enough to be anything even resembling rich and that they needed physical sales to prove that they were still relevant and retain strong label sales; if album sales fell below expectations, the likelihood that the label would start to consider them 'old news' would rise significantly and could jeopardize their chances of continuing to receive support from the label. The responses were predictable; plenty of people (many of them musicians) agreed with both the statement and the sentiment behind it, while others took it upon themselves to shower them with abuse and accuse them of being whiny, entitled rockstars who saw the fans as piggy banks and were just getting mad that they weren't yielding enough.
- Area 11, while still fairly involved with their fandoms, used to be even more involved through the official Facebook fangroup, being members of it (for admin purposes) and joining in with the general fun, posting memes and so on. This changed when a fan somehow worked out the email address of Sparkles*, spammed him and then did something which resulted in the hashtag 'Kill Colin' being spread note . The band are no longer members of the group, but do still lurk there, so it's not as total a loss as it could have been.
- The primary reason Neutral Milk Hotel stopped playing in the 1990s. Their fandom after On Avery Island grew rapidly. Given their primary tour circuit was house shows and small venues, the band was often exposed to a lot of creepy art types that unnerved the members, especially frontman Jeff Mangum. So rabid was this fanbase that when the band toured for In the Aeroplane Over the Sea, the audience was already singing along to the lyrics. Given this was 1997 and the Internet was still very young (meaning there were very few if any lyric databases back then), the fact that dozens if not hundreds of people were already singing the lyrics loudly only a few weeks after the album's release greatly unsettled Mangum. It was enough that he quit playing after that tour. When Mangum finally returned to performing — first as a solo act in 2011 and 2012 and then with a reunited Neutral Milk Hotel from 2013 to 2015 — he hid himself behind a cap and giant beard, so that he couldn't see the audience at all. He seems to be fine with hearing an entire theater sing along with his lyrics nowadays, though.
- For a very long time, the Foo Fighters refused to play 'Big Me' live, because whenever they did, they'd be pelted with Mentos, because its music video spoofed Mentos ads. They started playing it live again after their 'Foozer' tour alongside Weezer in 2005-06, as Weezer covered it with great acclaim.
- In 2018, a fanmade music video for Saint Pepsi's music video 'Enjoy Yourself' was taken down on YouTube for its use of footage from a Mac Tonight commercial. The reason being that a parody character called Moon Man is a common symbol for the alt-right movement not unlike Pepe The Frog and the video was taken down due to its staus as a hate symbol.
- Neil Young has endured fans singing or clapping along, yelling requests and other nonsense for decades, but what really pisses him off is constant texting, tweeting, filming and talking, especially during acoustic solo shows. He's also stopped playing certain soft songs because he can't make himself heard over the rude fans. Neil adores new technology, but not during the show, please.
- Calvin and Hobbes:
- Bill Watterson would occasionally sneak signed copies of comic collections into his local bookshop. He stopped when they started showing up on eBay.
- Rumor has it that one of the reasons Watterson stopped doing Calvin and Hobbes was because his 'fans' effectively stole the trademark for Calvin away from him. You know all of those cutesy 'Calvin is praying' or 'Calvin is Peeing on Something' stickers you see on the back windows of all those trucks and cars? They weren't authorized by Watterson (who licensed a very small amount of merchandise, and nothing like those stickers). By the time the cartoonist found out about them and moved to stop their production, they'd become so ubiquitous and widespread that a judge told him he'd effectively lost his own trademark because he didn't act fast enough. The Other Wiki states that people selling such things were forced to change the caricature to avoid infringement. Not that it would have changed his anti-consumerism stance on Calvin and Hobbes goods and general strong intent to have the 'brand' fade away as much as possible.
- Some athletes refuse to sign autographs since a lot of memorabilia dealers/autograph seekers will use children to solicit them from athletes and then run home and put the item on eBay. Also, some athletes refuse to talk with fans after certain fans trash stadiums or engage in hooliganism. For example, former offensive guard Robert Gallery admitted that he disliked people who did the former.
- Sports statistics web pages sometimes have these. One semi-popular page has had its sole webmaster consider shutting it down because of some fans who regularly harass him when he doesn't update on time, especially due to real life issues. One time, his wife (and even his son!) felt like responding to some of these emails saying 'Sorry we've not updated - the funeral's on Friday if you want to pay your respects.'
- Wilfried Zaha, Crystal Palace ace, left Twitter after losing his temper with a group of abusive, unpleasable fans.
- Fireman Ed, the New York Jets' unofficial mascot, was the team's most famous fan for 32 years but retired his persona in 2012 claiming that he had gotten fed up with the increasingly aggressive and negative behavior from his fellow Jets fans. He would return in 2015.
- Cited as one of the reasons why Formula One killed off the United States Grand Prix at Watkins Glen International after 1980. The 'fans' who attended in the later years tended to be rowdy and drunken, with a particular enthusiasm for setting things ablaze in the infield section known as 'The Bog', located inside the track section called 'The Boot' (turns 6-9).note This activity basically made it untenable for Watkins Glen and F1 to fix the primary problem with the track, which was the safety issues that killed several drivers in the late '70s.
- Seattle Seahawks punter Jon Ryan, despite not being all that famous on account of being, well, a punter, was once considered one of the more entertaining professional athletes to follow on social media. However, in the wake of the Orlando nightclub shooting in 2016, he was harassed by a number of homophobic Twitter users who chose to defend the shooter. Ryan was so disgusted by this that he withdrew from social media completely.
- When the Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition Player's Handbook 2 was released in 2009, a digital copy was bought and distributed literally within minutes. This was the last straw for Wizards of the Coast, who responded by discontinuing any and all .pdf format sales of their books. They also sued eight people involved in the distribution. Ironically, every single D&D book release was still scanned and pirated, there just now being a small delay. It wasn't until 2013 when WOTC returned to the .pdf market (although, the company is still reluctant to release major books for 5th edition D&D in this format).
- The Big Bad had No Name Given, instead known by his title of 'Makuta'. When an entire group of Makuta were introduced, head of story (and fandom's resident Word of God) Greg Farshtey went ahead and revealed that his name is 'Teridax'. The fans weren't exactly thrilled with this name, and said so in no uncertain terms. As a result, Farshtey canceled plans to reveal the name of the other big No Name Given character, the Shadowed One, rather than deal with backlash again.
- Bionicle set designers did intend at times to join BZPower's forums (where Farshtey himself posts), but decided against it, not wanting to expose themselves to the immense fan hate whenever a new line of sets is revealed. But this is more of a 'Why certain fansites can't have nice things', because set/piece designers do visit other boards where they don't have to worry about being attacked.
- Transformers:
- Designer Aaron Archer used to be a regular poster on a message board, with his own section where he would answer questions. Then someone had to go moan at Hasbro, allegedly because Archer was unprofessional and rude, almost certainly actually because the complainer was jealous that another board had such a major draw. Hasbro promptly declared that it was over.
- Bob Skir of Beast Machines also had a closer relationship with the fans than most official entities, but the on-line community was so harsh towards the series he co-wrote, that he decided to break up. He didn't attend the fan conference he and his partner Marty Isenberg were invited to either (nor did Marty). Thus, they are both still among them.
- Brooke McEldowney had turn off the commenting feature for his 9 Chickweed Lane comic after a few Trolls made persistent homophobic and misogynistic remarks while another posted links to 9CL strips with pornographic dialogue substituted for the original.
- This is a major problem for artists in the Furry Fandom; one of the biggest sources of furry drama will invariably be about an artist being driven out due to their art being stolen and reposted elsewhere, usually because they're too lazy to buy the artwork from the artist, themselves. Sometimes, however, they actually have people taking credit for the artwork. Some of the places where the artwork is being reloaded will help the artist out by putting them on a DNP (Do Not Post) list and punishing those who break it..but that's small comfort when most of these cases are followed up by Internet Backdraft over the artist leaving, making a bad situation worse. Other times, artists have to shut down their messages or commissions due to obsessive trolls and drama that breaks out whenever they open commission slots and are immediately filled by people who apparently wait all day for journals like that and then snipe the journal. Or, some people were just remarkably bad customers. Furries have been harassed at conventions and have said they would not be attending future events.
- S. E. Case, the creator/artist of Cheap Thrills, experienced Artist Disillusionment in early 2012, while in the middle of the fourth chapter. The ensuing Schedule Slip resulted in a part of her readership making repeated and unrealistic demands for further updates to the comic that bordered on harassment. This caused S. E. to call them out on her FurAffinity page shortly before she abruptly stopped the strip altogether that December, confirming the cancellation on her Tumblr blog six months later. Five years later, S. E. re-emerged with a Continuity Reboot of the comic as Rigsby, WI, this time with the characters all in human form.
- Tessa Stone, the mind behind Hanna Is Not a Boy's Name, revealed a spoiler on the true nature of Ples Tibenoch to a select few fans, confident that they wouldn't go and spread it around the fandom. Three guesses what happened there.
- This is the reason why there are no more forums for VG Cats.
- Gunnerkrigg Court:
- Tom Siddell used to occasionally make GC-themed desktop wallpaper for the fans.note When some fans complained that he wasn't also making widescreen versions of these pictures, he decided to stop altogether.
- Siddell also used to respond to reader's queries on a 'Questions for Tom' thread on the Gunnerkrigg Court forum. He stopped, not so much because people asked the same questions, but rather because other readers would jump in and answer the questions themselves, making it a 'Questions for Whoever Feels Like Answering' thread. He took his question-answering to a formspring account. However, when fans began repeatedly asking questions on topics he had stated he wasn't going to answer, and then getting combative over his not answering, Siddell deleted his formspring account. Fortunately, some months later, Siddell decided to give it another shot and reopened his formspring account.
- While he permits it to be written, the author of Tales of the Questor makes it a deliberate policy to never, ever read fanfics of his comics, because he knows he would go mad from the desire to dive in and re-edit..
- Ratfist: When political discussions in the Shout Box started turning into flame wars with every new page, Doug TenNapel disabled comments below the pages. However, this led to the creation of an off-site Ratfist forum.
- It's been rumored the Flind arc of Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic was designed to introduce furry characters, then brutally murder them at the end of the plotline, as a result of constant questions about the strange lack of furry presence in a D&D comic. Outside of the minotaur and the sphynx there's really nobody else who'd count as furry and it seems like it's going to stay that way.
- Moon Over June is possibly an example of this, with Woc having disabled commenting on her newest strips. This change came quietly, but after a short story arc which was met with much criticism by the readers.
- This was the reason why RPG Worldnever got an ending as Ian Jones-Quartey was tired of fans complaining about the comic. Compounded with him being busy with his animation career and dwindling interest to draw the comic, Jones-Quartey abandoned it and never looked back. Despite this, he was content to leave the site running until it became a haven for an exceptionally rabid collective of trolls. When the trolls retaliated at Jones-Quartey's later input to the site, he took down the archive entirely. Thankfully, the OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes episode 'A Hero's Fate' gave fans a proper closure to the webcomic.
- Andrew Hussie has been known for taking potshots at the sides of the Homestuck fandom he doesn't like, as well as deconstructing some types of fans or using different caricatures of Internet culture as the base for some of his characters note or making fan favorite relationships canon only to then break them up almost immediately by pointing out exactly how they wouldn't worknote This reached a climax when Jane engages 'trickster mode', a hitherto Easter Egg turned into a power-up like that gives Her, and subsequently the other Alpha cast candy-themed outfits and hyper-sugary personalities note .. As well as Caucasian skin tone. Beforehand, Hussie had explained that the characters were simply 'Aracial', so there was no canon race or skin colors for any of them note , which didn't appease the heated arguments between fans either calling each other out (and Hussie himself) as racist for refusing to accept characters as anything other than white, or people poking fun at them. At this point, when Jane turns Jake into a trickster, she says that she feels 'So very.. CAUCASIAN!' followed by an exaggerated Big 'NO!' from the latter. Cue the fandom going up in flames with people gleefully taking the joke as a Take That! towards everyone who had non-white headcanons for the kids and using it as a means to harass those fansnote . So much so, in fact, that Hussie edited and redacted the joke for the first time he's ever done so. Cue the fandom going up in flames over either Hussie being 'thin-skinned' or the complaining side of the fandom having annoyed Hussie to the point of submission, finally culminating with a response from Hussie's tumblr explaining the situation. Cue the fandom going up in flames over the response, which prompted yet anotherpost in which Hussie responds to some of the controversy regarding the previous post, calling out the people attacking other members of the fandom. These were some of his reactions.These are just a few, picked out semi-randomly, ranging from “mild, but missing the point” to “unspeakably terrible”.[..] if you truly dislike censorship, and do not wish to see more self-censorship in the future, then you would be doing your part to behave in a way that doesn’t make creators feel embarrassed to be defended by you.
- The author of the Yaoi Webcomic House of Dyer apparently received hate mail that was so vile that she not only cancelled the comic but closed the website and removed all artwork related to the comic from her deviantART page and tumblr.
- A webcomic titled Mahou Shounen Breakfast Club was cancelled after, despite the creators trying to reassure that they weren't trying to invoke stereotypes with the story and were using their studies and time in Japan to help with creation of the comic, Tumblr writers accused them of doing just that, claiming that they were doing it because 'it was trendy'.
- The creator of Ava's Demon was driven off of tumblr by the abuse she received after stating that there were no asexual characters in the comic and refusing aggressive demands that she include some.
- An in-universe example from El Goonish Shive: Susan opted to disable comments on the video review show that she makes with Elliot after repeated comments mocking her for being 'lanky', to the point where some people even told her to eat a sandwich.
- The comic Boy's Club is most well-known for Pepe the Frog (also known as the 'Feels Good' and 'Sad' Frog), which has been frequently used as reaction images. However, as time went on, Pepe has been used in increasingly unsavory ways. It got so bad that the Anti-Defamation League now has it listed as a hate symbol. Matt Furie, the creator of Boy's Club, has also spoken outagainst such use. After his reaction failed to save the character, Pepe was finally killed off in 2017.
- Todd Kauffman, character designer/director for Total Drama and creator of Sidekick, had a chatbox on his blog which he used to answer questions for his fanbase. Then, despite—or perhaps because of—his warnings not to imitate him or else he would delete the chatbox, a huge ginormous number of impostors went on all at once one day in May 2011. The chatbox was deleted soon after, but he started a new one in early June.
- The Ren & Stimpy Show creator John Kricfalusi used to host regular AIM chats with the fandom, and post Q&A sessions on certain Ren and Stimpy message boards. Some chats and question sessions went well, at least at first. However, after a large amount of 'heckling' and being drowned out with constant clamoring requests of 'Do you like this show? What do you think of this show? What's your opinion on anime?', etc. (Mostly done for the purpose of troll-baiting his opinionated statements against animated shows he doesn't like) and even moderation not helping matters of people getting somewhat out of hand, he dropped this method of communication altogether. However, he later would created his own self-moderated blog to talk about various subjects and drawing and animated character theories, and does participate in comment discussions there. But he has lessened considerably himself from making as many overt statements about cartoons he does not like, quite as much, focusing more of his attention on simply praising the inspirations he does admire.
- Greg Weisman, creator of Gargoyles and The Spectacular Spider-Man, ran a blog called 'Ask Greg' for years with little to no incident. Fan could ask questions about the kinds of details that never make it into shows (like 'What are Gargoyle marriage customs like?'). When he began work on Young Justice, the blog was positively deluged by questions blatantly asking for spoilers from upcoming stories, questioners being incredibly rude or demanding, masking criticisms or flames as questions, duplicate questions, etc. This led to a temporary closing of the question form and new rules on what could be asked. Things calmed down, but the March 2012 airing of episodes in Turkey before the U.S. has led to an influx of questions basically asking for summaries of the dialogue in those episodes. In April 2012, Weisman openly stated he was on the verge of shutting the blog down completely. In July 2013, the website temporarily stopped accepting new questions until the following year.
- My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic:
- John de Lancie had to shut down production on bonus features for his Bronycon documentary due to rampant piracy.
- After the disaster that was Las Pegasus Unicon, which saw the convention run out of money to pay the guests followed by the 'Las Pegassist' crowd-funding effort's check bouncing, both Tara Strong and Nicole Oliver opted out of attending conventions for at least a year. Voice actors now only try to attend the larger cons due to other commitments. In Strong's case, this sentiment has since changed. She has been seen at a couple smaller cons again possibly due to several fans openly offering to serve as protectors, but she works on a strict cash-only basis for autographs.
- Ashleigh Ball and Lee Tockar have both averted this. They're willing to interact with fans. The only request they have is pretty simple; 'Use judgement on the right time.'note
- My Little Pony: Fighting Is Magic was shut down because someone nominated it for EVO'snote side-tournaments, which are determined by a popularity poll. Both EVO staff and the game's devs asked them to stop; the EVO crew didn't want the devs to feel pressured to complete the game, while the devs urged fans to show support for Skullgirls instead; however, the fans kept voting for it. Unfortunately, this caught Hasbro's attention in a way that cannot be openly overlooked like with other projects and they decided to respond with a cease and desist and just like that, the entire project went up in smoke before it was resurrected and retooled as the original game Them's Fightin' Herds years later.
- The writers pretty much channeled all their years of bad experiences with obsessive fans into the episode 'Fame and Misfortune' - where Twilight decides to publish the friendship journals and the ponies end up attacked by rabid fans. Notably the situation is not resolved by the end - with the cast stuck inside Twilight's castle as the angry mob complains from outside. However, MA Larson and several of the writers expressed that they did not find this a good idea and wanted to do something else, but were told to go forward by Hasbro anyway.
- The production crew for The Simpsons ignore complaints of Seasonal Rot because of the picky fans that used to frequent and nitpick perfectly good episodes.note This is also believed to be the reason they've become rather intense Fan Haters.
- Tress MacNeille once had to cancel several convention appearances because of a creepy stalker who was obsessed with Babs Bunny, the character she voices on Tiny Toon Adventures; the man sent her several disturbing letters that gave her the impression that he planned to rape her. This was later referenced in an actual episode where said stalker was indirectly caricatured as 'the world's most terrifying creature', an overweight, pathetic, obsessive, mumbling loser who talked about various flaws in the visual presentation and wondered aloud when Fifi would get her own show. Tom Ruegger, writer and co-creator of Tiny Toons, stated in an interview that the incident was one of the reasons why the creative team lost interest in the series and moved on to Animaniacs.
- Avatar: The Last Airbender creators Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko make as few con appearances as possible because their fans have been stalking them and harassing the voice actors about fan shipping. They reject any invitation to a convention other than the San Diego Comic-Con due to its high security.
- Ultimate Spider-Man's critical reception eventually resulted in the fanbase attacking the creators and Jeph Loeb. After a certain amount of time, Loeb or Marvel ended up taking down Loeb's Facebook page.note
- For a short time at the beginning of Season 3, Frederator made weekly Adventure Time recaps called 'Mathematical' for each episode that would also include themed caller segments. Then, the recap for the episode 'What Was Missing' referenced the Marceline/Bubblegum pairing and asked for feedback, causing an explosion from some fans (from Shipping Wars, to general homophobia, to shippers calling one of the show's writers a homophobe because he didn't like the recap, etc.), to the point where the Mathematical channel was deleted from YouTube, along with all the recaps, and Fred Seibert himself posted an apology for all the crazinesss. The controversy died down in later seasons, when Word of Gay finally confirmed that the duo at least used to be an item.
- With the revival of Toonami, the crew created a Tumblr account to interact and answer fan questions. By April 2013, they disabled the Q&A option due to endless nonsense and people asking the same questions over and over. They occasionally open it up again for Q&A days.
- The Family Guy episode 'Turban Cowboy' features one scene where Peter drunkenly runs over runners of the Boston Marathon, and another where Peter unknowingly sets off a bomb when he attempts to use a cell phone. The episode aired just a month before the April 2013 bombing at the real Boston Marathon. Fox responded by pulling the episode from everywhere it could legally be viewed from in the U.S.; a video remix, which made it look like Peter bombed the marathon, only made things worse. To put this in perspective, the show's notoriously irreverent creator, Seth MacFarlane, was utterly disgustedby the video remixnote .
- Ciro Nieli, the man behind the 2012 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot, signed up on a high-profile message board on the subject. After only a few posts, he announced that he was leaving and never coming back, due to being outright bullied over tiny perceived foibles over and over, including one user that posted many times, complaining about the same exact thing in each post leading to dozens of messages in-between his visits about the same thing, from the same person.
- Derrick J. Wyatt no longer accepts questions about his work on Ben 10: Omniverse or any questions on his take of his Ben 10 universe, and closed his Deviant Art account, due to a mix of redundant questions, angry hate mail from fans of Alien Force and Ultimate Alien, and the stressful forced rushing of production towards the end ofOmniverse. All of which has made him swear offBen 10 forever, to the point that he temporarily closed all questions, though were later reopened on his request that they have nothing to do with Ben 10. He also swore off the Teen Titans questions, and promised never to watch it, as he was heavilyMisblamed for Teen Titans Go!, despite only drawing a few designs and having nothing to do with the writing or producing of the show.
- The South Park episode 'Terrance and Phillip in Not Without My Anus' received so many angry replies from fans incensed that it aired as an April Fools' joke instead of 'Cartman's Mom Is Still a Dirty Slut', the episode that reveals the identity of Cartman's father, that Comedy Central rarely reran it until 2016.
- Steven Universe writer and storyboarder Jesse Zuke (formerly Lauren Zuke prior to coming out as non-binary) had to delete their Twitter account following an episode that showed two characters, Lapis and Peridot, living together. Fans said that Zuke was favoring a relationship between the two, as opposed to another that was hinted at in a previous episode. Eventually, it escalated to fans accusing them of 'queer baiting', despite the fact that Zuke is bisexual, and the relationship as it appeared in the show was between two female characters anyway. Zuke then deleted their Twitter account, saying, 'I decided I don't want to be accessible to thousands of people who think because I work on a TV show that I owe them myself all the time.' The entire incident also seems to have canned Peridot's real life Twitter account, since Zuke was the one who was running it.
- Star vs. the Forces of Evil: During a panel at the Gallery Nucleus, some of the show's staff aired a sneak peak of the new opening sequence for Season 3, and warned the audience they would likely never show sneak peaks again if any of them recorded it and leaked it to the Internet. Much to their disappointment, someone did it anyway. However, sneak peeks of future episodes are still done at San Diego Comic-Con due to the show's status as a flagship series.