Betty Crocker Cookbook 1969 Edition Recipes
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Betty Crocker Cookbook 1969 Edition. Features over 2,000 photos and scans of vintage cookbooks and old recipes from the 1940s to; Betty Crocker 'General.
- Betty Crocker Cookbook 1969 Edition
- Betty Crocker Cookbook Copyright 1969
- Betty Crocker Cookbook 1969 Recipes
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- We're celebrating the very best of Betty Crocker's past every Thursday (and beyond)! From her humble roots with Gold Medal Flour to her ever-expanding legacy as America's First Lady of Food and homemaking pioneer, we've combed through historic archives to share some of Betty Crocker's best vintage dishes, products.
- Here we have: Betty Crocker's Picture Cook Book, 1950; Betty Crocker's Picture Cook Book Revised and Enlarged, 1956; Betty Crocker's Dinner for Two, 1958; Betty Crocker's New Picture Cook Book, 1961; Betty Crocker's Cookbook Text Edition, 1969; Betty Crocker's Dinner for Two, 1964; Betty Crocker's Good and Easy.
Preview — Betty Crocker's Cookbook by Betty Crocker

The new and revised edition of Betty Crocker's Cookbook was developed especially for the new you. Easier than ever to use, it's organized just he way you plan your meals - with meats and main dishes first. It's packed with know-how, show-how and how-to. More than 1500 recipes, 299 full-color photographs, cooking hints, shopping tips, charts, line drawings.
Published December 29th 1981 by Golden Books (first published 1969)
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Jul 14, 2009karen rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
this is my mom's cookbook. when i was little, i would spend hours playing with it while she cooked, and pretending her little spice jars were people having adventures. but mostly, reading this and admiring the pictures. i left it behind in my moving-out-of-brooklyn haste years ago, and i came across it at a used bookshop sunday. so even though it is not 'her' copy, and it doesn't have all of the great handwritten notes, i can still sit here on the floor with it and play with my spices and preten...more
Jun 09, 2008Jackie rated it it was amazing · review of another editionRecommends it for: anyone who cooks or wants to cook
I have a dozens cookbooks, but I have to say that this one is the one that gets pulled out most often. It's tried, true and a dear friend to me in the kitchen. I will keep it until it has to be pried from my cold, dead hands.
Apr 07, 2010 Danielle The Book Huntress (Back to the Books)Betty Crocker Cookbook 1969 Edition
rated it really liked itRecommends it for: those who are just learning to cook or want to learn basic cooking
Shelves: cooking-or-food-related, owned-copy, favorites, nonfiction
This is a must have cookbook for every kitchen. I collect cookbooks, but this is the only one I actually use semi-regularly. (I like cooking, but I just don't do it all that much, with my schedule.)
It has the basic recipes that will get a novice started. I use the Scones recipe on page 40, but I add dried cherries or blueberries. I also use this to make gumbo with a few modifications. I also learned to make Chicken Pot Pie using this cookbook.
I can't give this five stars because the food tends t...more
It has the basic recipes that will get a novice started. I use the Scones recipe on page 40, but I add dried cherries or blueberries. I also use this to make gumbo with a few modifications. I also learned to make Chicken Pot Pie using this cookbook.
I can't give this five stars because the food tends t...more
My very first cookbook, all my own. I was recovering from head injuries sustained from a mild riding accident followed by a way more serious one which landed me in the hospital. Two concussions in ten days, not good, plus torn muscles in my back. I was not allowed to do my normal activities for the rest of that summer, so I started to learn to cook and bake. I made my first apple pie, many cakes and cookies. I still use this cookbook many years later, and it shows. Highly recommended.
Dec 05, 2012Jennifer rated it it was amazing
Although I wouldn't recommend this book for general, every day reading unless you're fond of lists and instructions this is my go-to cookbook for absolutely everything. All the recipes that I cook regularly are from this cookbook, and all my family favourites are from here as well. Perfect for all the original, homestyle cooking recipes.
If you're looking for something a little more adventurous in your cooking this book probably isn't for you, but if you want a good general cookbook this is the...more
If you're looking for something a little more adventurous in your cooking this book probably isn't for you, but if you want a good general cookbook this is the...more
Dec 28, 2009Karen rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Almost everything I know about cooking, I learned from this book years ago. I still use it often. It is the best cookbook. I own, and I own over 240 cookbooks.
Oct 30, 2009Vicki rated it it was amazing
This was one of the first cookbooks I ever really looked at with any scrutiny. I think my Grandma had two copies, and she let me take one. I used to just take it down and read it -- it was so dated looking. Avocado and orange, to say nothing of the instructions -- every man takes his eggs in a different way, and it behooves a good wife to learn how to cook them the way her husband likes best! Something like that. There are lots of great recipes in here -- they hold up well, because they're incre...more
Aug 12, 2009Elisa rated it it was amazing
The beauty of this book is that there truly is something for everyone.If you are a beginner you will find everything you need to know, even if you start out knowing absolutely nothing!If you have been cooking for sometime you will review things you hadn't used for so long you'd forgotten them. If you have been cooking for many years, it's just like an old friend who shares her best recipes with you . Trust me , as one of those that have been cooking for a good many years , if it isn't in this bo...more
Nov 13, 2011Denae rated it really liked it · review of another edition
A much more recent update of Betty Crocker's Picture Cookbook, this was a gift from my grandmother when I moved into my first apartment. It has a number of recipes for artisanal breads that are fantastic. Overall, I've enjoyed most of the things I've made from it, but it does not quite hold up to its predecessors in my opinion.
Sep 26, 2010Linda rated it liked it · review of another edition
You can't go wrong with a Betty Crocker cookbook. My mom taught me how to cook and bake using an earlier version of this cookbook several decades ago. It may not contain the healthiest recipes but I know from experience that many of them are 'good eats'. This version contains some amended and new recipes that my older version didn't have. I love my earlier cookbook with its stains and pencil marks but appreciate having a newer edition with other information. Be prepared to jot down notes and che...more
Jan 06, 2009Morgan rated it really liked it
I have managed to obtain my mother's copy of this book (okay...I stole it and she has yet to beg for it back) and it is a definate go-to in my kitchen. It gives the basics and has some great recipes (enchiladas, mac and cheese, meatloaf, etc.). The only fault I have with this book is it's a little out of date. Honestly, I can't say that I have seen monosodium glutamate on the ingredient lists in my other cookbooks.
Nov 13, 2011Denae rated it it was amazing
The other Betty Crocker cookbook that dominated my early cooking. Also fantastic, this cookbook has a number of excellent recipes I adore and some that simply amuse me. The first list contains pancakes, waffles, any of the cakes, and meatloaf. The second contains any sort of jello or fruit mold and fondue. Food trends are kind of amazing.
The vegetable section of this one is like, 'Eh, I don't know, boil it.'
A well written book. Enjoyed reading it.
One of my favorite cookbooks. I have 5 editions.
Good to have around for basics.
I have my grandma's cookbook that she used. Timeless recipes.
Aug 05, 2007Susan Howson rated it liked it · review of another edition
My opinion on this book has changed considerably over the years as I've gotten way past learning how to hard boil an egg. I am crazy about tips though, and it gives you a lot of them when you're just starting out. I go back to it sometimes for reference, when whatever Martha says to do seems just a little more complex than is necessary and I want a second opinion. But honestly, it's not for great food, it's for good food.

Mar 17, 2014Cheryl Scott rated it it was amazing
This was the first cookbook I had that was my very own and not my mom's. It's a sentimental favorite as well as a solid basic cookbook.
I still prepare many dishes from this book, as I have they are always enjoyed, not to mention that I have the recipes memorized!
I love to cook, eat and entertain, and I cherish this book, which launched my 'solo' cooking life.
5 stars for substance and sentiment
I still prepare many dishes from this book, as I have they are always enjoyed, not to mention that I have the recipes memorized!
I love to cook, eat and entertain, and I cherish this book, which launched my 'solo' cooking life.
5 stars for substance and sentiment
Betty Crocker Cookbook Copyright 1969
Nov 21, 2008CR rated it really liked it
My Mom bought me my very own copy :) When she came over once, she saw mine right next to my roommate's VERY brand new one (new design, too) and groaned, wondering if she'd gotten me two by accident. (Something very like her). Thankfully, no.
This is a GREAT book for BASICS. I've found some stand-bys as well as some tasty options. Wish I DID have a newer version (they should have considered a filler pack to insert in your old one), some of the recipes could use an update.
This is a GREAT book for BASICS. I've found some stand-bys as well as some tasty options. Wish I DID have a newer version (they should have considered a filler pack to insert in your old one), some of the recipes could use an update.
Mar 16, 2009Janice rated it really liked it · review of another edition
This has been a great reference for me, especially while I was learning to cook. A lot of reviews for this book say it is too basic, but some of us really need to start with the basics, and this has been a valuable tool in my kitchen. There are a lot of meals from this cookbook that have become staples in our family meals, like the chicken salad, and the turkey soft tacos. I use this at least once a week.
Aug 01, 2012Rosa rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
I have read the reviews to this book, this is my go-to-cookbook if I need help with my basic cooking. I grew up reading one of the older versions of this book. I like the more recent editions because they inform you in how long you should cook poultry, or beef, since my mom told me that eating undercooked meat is bad for you. This book is very good to have if you are living on your own alone or are married.
Dec 18, 2012Brenda Kirton rated it it was amazing
I received this as a wedding shower gift in 1982. It is the most used cookbook in my house. I have read through the entire thing and have some of the recipes memorized. My mom had an older edition to this book that we also wore out. The recipes actually do vary with editions. The edition i have from 1981 is a shardcover but it is ring bound also. I am hoping to find new editions for my daughters.
Aug 23, 2008Darby rated it it was amazing
This was my go to book when I was first learning to cook. It has all the basics: how to bake an apple pie and other basic recipes, how to boil corn on the cob - bake a potato - steam vegetables, how to cook certain cuts of meat and how to use measuring cups. Although it might not contain gourmet recipes - it is a good first cookbook that will be used often. And now after years of cooking I still go to it.
Oct 30, 2011Lynne rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
This was the first cookbook I ever owned, given to me by my mom when I moved away from home. Even though I have a wide variety of cookbooks now, this one remains my go-to cookbook for some of my all-time favorite recipes, with easy to follow instructions as well as essential cooking tips and even microwave instructions on most recipes.
Whether you have a beginner or an expert in the kitchen, Betty Crocker's Cookbook is a 'must have' for every household.
Whether you have a beginner or an expert in the kitchen, Betty Crocker's Cookbook is a 'must have' for every household.
Mar 05, 2009Christin rated it really liked it · review of another edition
This is my go-to cookbook. It's more than just a bunch of recipes. It has beautiful color pictures of many of the dishes. It teaches you how to properly choose, store and cook food. There are charts for conversions, substitutions, etc. I have enjoyed everything I've made from this book. Most of the recipes are easy enough for beginners, but complex enough to still be good. I think everyone should have one of these in their home.
Oct 01, 2012Joanne rated it it was amazing
I LOVE THIS COOKBOOK!! My husband owned it when we married 18 years ago and we've used it as our kitchen 'bible' ever since.
When my kids (finally) move out into their own places, I plan on trying to obtain copies of this book for them. It has ALL of the basics.
A MUST HAVE for all beginner- and intermediate-level cooks.
When my kids (finally) move out into their own places, I plan on trying to obtain copies of this book for them. It has ALL of the basics.
A MUST HAVE for all beginner- and intermediate-level cooks.
Jul 05, 2017Lisa Locke rated it it was amazing
Betty Crocker Cookbook 1969 Recipes
This is my go to cookbook whenever I am cooking or baking a recipe that is not in one of the other cookbooks I own or instead of going online. We are talking the basics and the classics here. I also use it as a general cooking reference when it comes to finding substitutions, measurements and roasting or cooking times. This is a must have basic cookbook manual for every kitchen.
May 15, 2008Karen L. rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Actually I could not find my edition of Betty Crocker's Cookbook on the book list, so I chose this one, which is similar. Mine is the 1972 edition, given to me by my late mother-in-law. I treasure it. It is held together with duct tape, but I will not part with it! You can tell my favorite recipes by all the drips on the pages!
This is the best cookbook I own. I love cookbooks, but I refer to this one the most. Classic recipes and more modern ones too (they update the recipes each time they update/re-publish to book). Love the ring-bound style too. No worries of breaking the spine, and it is easy to keep the book open to the page with the recipe you are using.
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